Select the output type you want to use as shown below in Fig. Select the line and then select Processing Log.
You can then store the PDF output using the function module GUI_DOWNLOAD, for example, as a local file on your PC. Create an Idoc with the Base 64 format.
Click on the “Export PDF” tool in the right pane. This article will walk you through how to do both. Create business processes with SAP BPM and business rules with SAP BRM. Here are a few other examples what you can do: - Create a screenshot of a website entering a URL and convert it to PDF - Image to PDF conversion - Convert presentations like Powerpoint to PDF - Convert spreadsheets like Excel to PDF - Make your PDF searchable if it contains only scanned pages. ePub Converter is one of the best converters on the market to export ePub as PDF. Compress, edit or modify the output file, if necessary. or Purchase Order number is a unique number assigned to a purchase order form. Convert sap po to pdf clicking the print button we get the print out of po.